Our group director, Hiroyasu Tsukamoto, also received the Outstanding Innovator Award from Dentsu Soken for the Innovators Under 35 Award from MIT Technology Review (Region: Japan).
Our group director, Hiroyasu Tsukamoto, received the Innovators Under 35 Award from MIT Technology Review (Region: Japan).
Our new papers “Regret-Optimal Defense Against Stealthy Adversaries: A System Level Approach” and “Robust Optimal Network Topology Switching for Zero Dynamics Attacks” are accepted for publication at IEEE CDC.
Our new paper “Neural-Rendezvous: Provably Robust Guidance and Control to Encounter Interstellar Objects” is accepted for publication at AIAA JGCD.
Our tutorial session on “Planning and Control with Machine Learning for Autonomous and Robotic Systems,” by Soon-Jo Chung (Caltech), Hiroyasu Tsukamoto (UIUC), and Guanya Shi (CMU) won the Best Tutorial Award at IEEE SMC.
ACXIS Lab has multiple open Ph.D. and M.S. positions ( for highly motivated students.
Our new paper “CaRT: Certified Safety and Robust Tracking in Learning-based Motion Planning for Multi-Agent Systems” is accepted for publication at IEEE CDC. This is a joint work with NASA JPL.
We are going to host a tutorial session “Planning and Control with Machine Learning for Autonomous and Robotic Systems” at IEEE SMC. This session gives a tutorial overview of machine learning control systems with safety and stability guarantees.
Hiroyasu Tsukamoto’s doctoral dissertation won the William F. Ballhaus Prize for an outstanding dissertation in Space Engineering, GALCIT, Caltech.
We hosted a tutorial session “Contraction Theory for Machine Learning” at IEEE CDC. This website provides an overview of contraction theory for nonlinear stability analysis and control synthesis, with an emphasis on deriving formal guarantees for learning-based control problems.

Assistant Professor of Aerospace, UIUC, 2024 –; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Aerospace, UIUC, 2023 – 2024; Postdoctoral Research Affiliate, NASA JPL, 2023 – 2024; Ph.D., Caltech (Outstanding Dissertation, Space Engineering), 2023; M.S., Caltech, 2018; B.S., Kyoto University, 2017.